Environmental Management

What is Environmental Management?

Environmental management is a business management system that emphasizes sustainability. Thus, environmental management aimed at the use of administrative methods and practices that reduce to a minimum the environmental impact of economic activities in natural resources.

Environmental Management

Environmental Management


Methods and Main Objectives of Environmental Management:

– Use of natural resources in a rational way.

– Application of methods aimed at maintaining biodiversity.

– Adoption of methods of recycling solid waste.

– Sustainable use of natural resources.

– Treatment and reuse of water and other natural resources within the production process.

– Creation of products that cause the least possible environmental impact.

– Use of systems to ensure no environmental pollution. Example: zero carbon system.

– Training employees to know the sustainability of the enterprise system, its importance and forms of collaboration.

– Create programs to remove post-consumer environmental products, or portions thereof that may contaminate soil, rivers, etc. Example: gathering and processing of used tires, batteries, cell phones, computer parts, etc.


Environmental Management

Environmental Management

Importance for Companies

The adoption of environmental management is important for a company for several reasons. Firstly, because it associates their image to the environmental preservation, improving the market marks the images of their products. Companies that adopt this system can reduce their costs by avoiding waste and reusing materials that were previously discarded. Companies with environmental management improve its trade relations with other companies that also follow these principles. In the ’80s, spending on environmental protection began to be viewed by leading companies not primarily as costs, but as investments in the future and, paradoxically, as a competitive advantage. Each day becomes more obvious that a business activity to be more efficient, it is necessary to introduce environmental criteria in the production process, and for this reason that the design of a correct environmental management in the company plays a key role. One can then conclude that the Environmental Management is a natural consequence of humanity’s evolution of thought regarding the use of natural resources in a wiser, which should take only what can be reset or if this is not possible, it should to at least recover the environmental degradation caused.


Environmental Management

Environmental Management

ISO 14000

The ISO 14000 is a set of technical and administrative standards that establish parameters and guidelines for environmental management for companies of private and public sectors. These standards were created by the International Organization for Standardization – ISO (International Organization for Standardization).

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